And Payday Draws Near

And Payday Draws Near


This past month I have tried a new saving strategy. If little things like going out less for coffee or fast food are the surgical strike method of saving cash, then my method is the carpet bombing method of saving for retirement. This month, rather than making my usual 10% contribution to my Roth IRA, I made more like a 20% contribution (pats self on back). This naturally has left me with less and less money throughout the course of this month, which has forced me into curbing my spending whether I wanted to or not.

For example, last night I wanted badly to order a pizza; but I am riding the waves through the end of the month without being able to afford pizza. End result? No pizza, but my wife and I made a yummy pasta dish that was every bit as good as pizza at a fraction of the cost.

Did I miss the pizza in the end? Not really. So don't be afraid to brute-force your way into saving money and investing for retirement. If you don't have the day-to-day willpower, just put yourself in a position in which you don't give yourself any option. It was remarkably successful this month for me. Nonetheless, I am really looking forward to payday in a week or so. I may just have to treat myself to that pizza after all, after I make my IRA contribution of course!

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