Great Library Sell-Off Update

Great Library Sell-Off Update


Here is an update on my book selling progress on the Marketplace:

  • Items Sold: 41

  • Gross Revenue: $456.24

  • Net Revenue: approx. $330.00 after shipping costs

  • Used bookstore sales: approx. $300.00

Not too bad for a single month of online selling. Of course, I probably paid well over $1,200.00 for those books originally. That aside, though, I am still rather proud of myself and my ability to overcome my pack rat urges for the sake of my finances. T

here are many more books I have here in my apartment to sell and even more in storage up in my hometown, so I'm looking forward to another strong month of book selling to jump start my summer savings (I'm calling this my "Summer Slush Fund") and my long-term investments.

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