Job Interview

Job Interview


My wife is flying out to Ohio very early this morning for her "big corporate job interview" on Wednesday. It will be a grueling day of individual interviews and group projects. So please keep her in your prayers and thoughts on Wednesday as she does her best to get us out of the California rat race.

If she gets the job, she would have to move to Columbus by the first week of May. I have teaching commitments through December, though, so I would remain in California until Christmas and look for a teaching job in Ohio during those seven months.

Fortunately my wife's boss offered to rent me a room in their place very cheaply, so I would be able to save a ton of cash (not to mention fund my IRA) before I move out to OH where it is far, far cheaper to live than in California. We may even try to buy a house out there, given that the median home price is just $127,000.

First she must land this job, though, so once again please keep her in your thoughts/prayers on Wednesday as she endures the corporate interview gauntlet.

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