J.R. Ewing: "The Price of Oil Is Never Comin' Down."

J.R. Ewing: "The Price of Oil Is Never Comin' Down."


"Bobby, the price of oil is never comin' down." - J. R. Ewing, Dallas, 1979–1980.

I don't think I will ever quite purge myself of the desire to be a big Texas oilman like J.R. Ewing! Seriously, though, my wife and I have been watching Dallas on DVD for the past year or so, so I officially know the answer to that age-old question: "Who shot J.R.?" (It was Kristin Shepard, by the way.) I'm not sure that Dallas had any real redeeming value as an investing guide, though, other than the somewhat tautologous claim above that the price of oil is always going up.

Roth IRA Contribution

Roth IRA Contribution

Investment Metaphor #2: Fractals