ProBlogger 7 Link Challenge

ProBlogger 7 Link Challenge


Darren from ProBlogger has challenged his readers to a 7 link challenge. The purpose of the challenge is to list 7 blog posts, each of which falls under a different category, to show off your most interesting and most engaging blog posts.

So, without further ado, here is the SeeMeGetRich response to the 7 link challenge:

  1. Your first post — My first blog post on SeeMeGetRich was appropriately titled "Welcome." SeeMeGetRich was started in March of 2007 after spending my then winter break, from grad school and teaching, learning the ropes of personal finance and long term investing. Since then, my debt has unfortunately increased due to an additional year of student loans. However, my income has more than doubled and I am much more financially stable than I was when SeeMeGetRich was inaugurated. I am, therefore, able to contribute more of my income to paying off bad credit card debt and contributing to my retirement investment accounts.

  2. A post you enjoyed writing the most — This is not so much a single post as it is a group of posts. But my series on investment metaphors has always been popular with readers of SeeMeGetRich, and I enjoy the chance to include some wacky metaphors for investing via some helpful creative writing.

  3. A post which had a great discussion — Roth IRA: My ETF Portfolio. One of the common questions that new investors have is how to construct a diversified portfolio of ETFs inside a Roth IRA account. This post shows my own easy ETF portfolio. But since so many people disagree on ratios and investment types, this post also generated quite a bit of discussion about ETF portfolios.

  4. A post on someone else's blog that you'd wish you'd written — If you do not read by Ramit Sethi, you absolutely must, right now. In particular, the following post should be required reading for all teens and twenty-somethings: Dumb: "Don't invest; you can't beat the pros"

  5. A post with a title that you are proud of — The Market Goes Down and I Get Rich. People tend to panic by not investing or, worse still, pulling their long-term investments out of the stock market when the market takes a downturn. This is the worst thing you can do! When the market is down, invest more so that you will own more shares when the market goes back up. Don't follow the Wall Street bandwagon!

  6. A post that you wish more people had read — Investing for the Absolute Beginner is a series of three posts that walks completely novice investors through the process of starting a Roth IRA, choosing ETF investments, and setting up an automatic investment plan. This is basic information that everyone should know. If you are reading this and you do not yet have a Roth IRA or a 401(k) retirement account, start with this post.

  7. Your most visited post ever — You Can't Please All the People All the Time. This post begins with a modified quote by Abraham Lincoln (the original quote was "You can't fool all of the people all of the time"). For some reason, if you search for the modified, incorrect quote, this post is listed first by several search engines. The majority of traffic to SeeMeGetRich is therefore not a result of my witty, inspirational financial advice. Readers only of this post, innocently enough, may not realize the good advice that they are missing out on by not reading the rest of SeeMeGetRich. These people may retire poorly, if they can retire at all.

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