The Workaholic — Finding Time for Life Maintenance Tasks

The Workaholic — Finding Time for Life Maintenance Tasks


I have never considered myself to be a workaholic. However, this week I have been forced to own up the fact that I am incredibly poor at balancing work with life maintenance tasks.

To begin, I caught a cold last Tuesday and it knocked me down for several days, so much so that I finally went to the doctor today. It had been about three years since I went to the doctor, for a physical or otherwise, and I had a couple of items on my health backlog to get checked out. For example, I have a couple of small sebaceous cysts on my back that I had the doctor look at to make sure that they are benign and not cancerous.

In addition to my cold and my accumulated medical backlog, I also need to renew my driver license, which expired on my birthday last week. I had planned to renew my license on my birthday, but my birthday fell on a Saturday this year and it turns out that California DMV offices are no longer open on Saturdays. (Who knew?)

But to make matters worse, I cannot find my glasses after my last relocation, and I am not too optimistic about passing the requisite vision text to renew my driver license. So tomorrow I am schlepping myself to the optometrist for a vision exam and to get a new pair of glasses. Speaking of which, I have been at my employer now for almost two years, and no one there has yet to see me wearing glasses. This should give you some idea of how terrible I am at finding time for life maintenance tasks.

In conclusion, I seem to have become a fully-fledged workaholic, at a job I love, without ever intending to do so. It took a gentle nudge from my boss to get me to schedule a checkup and a physical after this week's chronic illness, so thankfully I am surrounded by others who care for my well-being, even when I struggle to myself! Let the life maintenance begin!

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