When It Comes to Retirement Investing, Think BIG!

When It Comes to Retirement Investing, Think BIG!


When it comes to investing for your retirement, it pays to think big. Thinking small will lead only to a lackluster retirement in which you are not as financially secure as you would like to be.

Set a lofty goal for your retirement account. For example, instead of a million dollars, make it your goal to have three million dollars in your retirement account by the time you retire. Then scrimp, save, and gather every penny and every dollar you can muster to put into your investment accounts. Just sit back and let the power of compounding and investment growth pave the way to your goal.

Do whatever it takes to max out your retirement plans, both your 401(k) and a Roth IRA. And if those are already maxed out, buy as many shares of reliable dividend stocks as you can within your taxable investment account. Have a spare ten dollars in your account on a summer evening? Put it in your retirement account instead of going out for ice cream.

Thinking big and being excessively proactive have the potential not just to make you a millionaire but a multimillionaire. The earlier you start, the more likely you are to reach a "thinking big" retirement objective. An extra couple of years of growth can mean thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions more dollars when you retire. But it all starts with investing as much as you possibly can this very moment. Never think that you have invested enough. You can always save and invest even more.

Don't let yourself make excuses. Think ahead, think big, and act wisely. Invest every single penny that you possibly can. Your future self will thank you someday!

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