Associated Content Performance Bonus

Associated Content Performance Bonus


Today Associated Content finally updated their performance bonus page view statistics, after a month or so without an update. The good news is that I moved up another "Clout Level" to level six (out of ten, woot!) due to the large number of articles and page views that I have generated since becoming one of their content producers. Also because of this large number of page views (12,574 to date), I finally qualify for the performance bonus payment. Sometime during the next performance bonus cycle I will receive $18.86 in residuals from the various articles I have written.

Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to read my various articles here at SeeMeGetRich and on Associated Content. $18.86 is nothing to write home about (although it seems to be enough to blog about!), but it is still money that is being generated automatically with no extra effort on my part. And, of course, that $18.86 is going directly into my Roth IRA just as soon as I receive the payment.

Dividend Payday

Dividend Payday

Investment Tuesday

Investment Tuesday