Is Your Blog Making Money?

Is Your Blog Making Money?


Is your blog making money? While I started this blog with the intention of keeping an online record of my foray into the world of investing (which is still its primary purpose), the blog itself has now become a source of secondary income to supplement my traditional income from employment.

By linking SeeMeGetRich to my articles at, I have found that I am able to fill two niches with one blog. SeeMeGetRich continues to be a source of inspiration and information for my readers who are interested in retirement investing, and I am able to generate income from my writing through referrals and page views through Associated Content through traffic generated by SeeMeGetRich. The end result is that everyone is happy. My readers hopefully still find the same useful content to aid them in their own quest to become better off financially, and I am able to generate some income from my writing. I call this a match made in heaven.

If you are a blogger yourself and your blog is not yet generating money for you, try meshing your blog posting with articles and writing posted on Associated Content pays anywhere from $3 to $20 per content submission, including product reviews, restaurant reviews, how-to articles, news stories, etc. In addition, Associated Content will pay you a small commission for each page view your content generates. Meshing your blog with your Associated Content submissions will generate traffic and income, and your readers will still be able to find the same great content that they are looking for.

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