Doing the Impossible: Finishing My Dissertation

Doing the Impossible: Finishing My Dissertation


I have been a graduate student at the University of California at Santa Cruz since 2002. In 2004 I received my M.A. degree in philosophy. In 2006 I advanced to PhD candidacy. During all of these milestones I was teaching and working on my own graduate work, somehow managing to keep my sanity.

In 2008 I accepted a job at a publishing company and have made little to no progress on my dissertation since then. Because I am rapidly approaching the ten-year time limit on completing the doctorate degree (1.5 years to go), I have decided to make a concerted effort to complete my dissertation, come Hell or high water.

Over the next few months, I will be devoting one or both weekend days to completing my dissertation while setting aside all other extracurricular activities and enterprises. While I will post updates here periodically, my main focus will be to complete my dissertation. Pass or fail, the dissertation has taken its toll on my mind and soul for too many years, and I need to finish it.

For all the discussion of investing as a way of ensuring long-term financial stability, higher education is still a great help to ensuring continued earning power. Although I will still be contributing to my 401(k) while I finish my dissertation, it is time for me to focus on my investments in my own education.

What I need from you, my readers, is understanding and support. My dissertation has been a drain on my sense of self-worth for several years, and I must now muster up all the mental energy and spirit that I can find. Any words of encouragement or support, no matter how trivial, are greatly appreciated. Leave a comment, send me an email. If you don's receive an immediate response, trust that I have received your message and I appreciate your encouragement just the same. I really need a cheering squad and for my blog-peeps to have my back on this one.

On that note I am off to get my mind back in dissertation mode and to review my notes, drafts, articles, and other materials. Success is 99% perspiration. I will succeed!

Long-Term Projects vs. Short-Term Projects: The Opportunity Cost of Writing a Dissertation

Long-Term Projects vs. Short-Term Projects: The Opportunity Cost of Writing a Dissertation

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New Credit Card: Amtrak Guest Rewards MasterCard