How I Make Money on Associated Content

How I Make Money on Associated Content


For some time now I have been using Associated Content for regular income. This is not to say that I make enough income to support myself with Associated Content entirely, but I do write for Associated Content often enough to have a reliable stream of alternative income in addition to the income from my regular employer. In this article I will discuss some of the secrets I have learned about writing for Associated Content to maximize upfront payments and to maximize page views and performance bonus payments.

Secret #1: Write Product Reviews

Writing product reviews for Associated Content is a lucrative way to begin writing for Associated Content to maximize income. Product reviews of 400–500 words take very little time to write; about 10 to 15 minutes apiece. And one can reliably expect to receive between $4 and $5 for each product review, assuming your reviews meets the usual criteria of keyword density and searchability.

The key to writing product reviews for Associated Content that will maximize income is to pick a product that you are familiar with at random and then to make a quick bullet list of positive and negative points about that product. Write a quick paragraph for each of those bullet points based upon your own experiences with the product, and you will be very close to the 400–500 word mark. End the product review article with a conclusion paragraph summarizing your points, and your product review is complete.

Secret #2: Write How-To Articles

In addition to product review articles, I regularly write how-to articles based upon my own knowledge of how to do various things. Everyone has specialties and knowledge that he/she can draw upon to create a short and effective how-to guide instructing readers how to perform certain tasks. For example, I have expertise in electronics and construction, so I regularly write short how-to articles about how to perform certain tasks, such as how to make a good electrical solder connection or how to use the resistor color code.

How-to articles are also an effective way to maximize your page views, since many people perform internet searches looking for instruction or information about all kinds of tasks and areas. Your how-to guide will provide a useful service to internet searchers and will be easily marketable from the perspective of Associated Content.

Secret #3: Write Opinion Pieces

While Associated Content does not regularly pay content producers for op-ed pieces, opinion pieces are an effective way to gain lots of page views; especially if your opinion pieces are written on controversial issues. A word of caution about opinion pieces is in order, though: try to make your opinion pieces as rational and well-argued as possible. It is very easy to let an opinion piece become a subjective rant on a particular topic, but this will be less interesting and less useful than to reason through your views on a controversial issue in a more objective and rational fashion. I regularly supplement my product review articles and how-to articles with opinion pieces to keep up my page view ranking at Associated Content.


To maximize your income writing for Associated Content, it is important to find subject matter that fits neatly into one of Associated Content's article categories and that you can crank out in 10-15 minutes. Suppose you are able to complete five short product reviews in an hour, and suppose you earn just $4 for each product review. This is still a healthy $20 per hour for very minimal work. The key is to write fast, write well, and write what you know.

One last piece of advice is to make a list of possible article ideas beforehand. I regularly keep an ever-growing list of article ideas, products I want to review, and how-to articles I want to write. Making a list of article topics beforehand will allow you to write effortlessly without pausing to come up with a new topic. If you follow the above secrets to writing for Associated Content, you will be able to make a steady stream of alternative income to supplement your regular income with a minimum of extra work.

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