Immune to the Golden Arches

Immune to the Golden Arches


I am proud of myself today. To understand why, you must know that I have a weakness for all things ground beef. Particularly problematic for me are those yummy inventions of heavenly bliss known as "hamburgers." This weakness has worsened now that my wife has completely stopped eating red meat cold-turkey, no pun intended. I find myself craving hamburgers on a semi-regular basis. Now that I have been tracking my spending for the past couple of months, it became obvious fairly quickly where a decent chunk of my income was going to: eating-on-the-go. So despite my frequent hamburger cravings I am actually succeeding in saying no to the Golden Arches and to my stomach's protests as I drive by everyday on my way to go teach my evening classes.

I was particularly proud of myself today, though. I went to Longs Drugstore to mail a few of the books I just sold on, and on the way out I was confronted with a siren-call from the Golden Arches just a stone's throw away from the drugstore. I wrestled with the issue; I really did. But in the interest of preserving my pocketbook (and eliminating my love-handles), I came directly home and made myself a homemade tuna sandwich instead. Now how is that for determination/will-power/finance-blogger-guru-ness? I guess I really shouldn't tell you that my wife sent me out for a Burger King run late last night for a chicken sandwich, and that I treated myself to a yummy Double Whopper combo. What can I say? At least my moment of weakness was on her dime and not mine. ;-)

No Small Potatoes

No Small Potatoes

RadioShack 401(k): A Missed Opportunity

RadioShack 401(k): A Missed Opportunity