No Small Potatoes

No Small Potatoes


My church is having a Messianic Passover Seder dinner tonight, and I volunteered to bring enough oven roasted potatoes to feed ten to fifteen people. So this morning after my Logic class I trucked myself down to the supermarket to pick up some potatoes, olive oil, Kosher salt, and some Italian seasoning. It occurred to me while I was shopping just how cheap it is to stock up on potatoes. I bought a ten pound bag of Russet potatoes for $3.99 and three pounds of purple potatoes for $0.99/lb. I will have to add potatoes back into my daily food rotation. I could eat potatoes everyday for a month and spend just a few dollars per month! And there are so many yummy ways to eat potatoes that I doubt I could ever truly get bored with them.

Purple potatoes are officially my new obsession. I thought they would make a perfect addition to the Seder tonight, in memory of Jesus Christ as a crucified and risen king (you know...purple...royalty...get it?). I doubt they really had purple potatoes in the Passover Seders of Christ's time, so I was originally worried about authenticity; but then I thought to myself, "I doubt they had Idaho potatoes either, so why not have a little fun?"

So in the interest of keeping things simple, reverent, and holy for Good Friday, I will leave you with one small piece of advice: eat more potatoes. Your body will love the complex carbohydrates and your wallet will love the price tag. Just remember to mix it up a bit and try some of the more colorful varieties in your quest for simpler living.

Investment Metaphor #3: Potatoes Revisited

Investment Metaphor #3: Potatoes Revisited

Immune to the Golden Arches

Immune to the Golden Arches