Low-Cost Weekend — Epic Fail

Low-Cost Weekend — Epic Fail


I had intended to have a low-cost, stay-at-home weekend. But at the behest of a good friend, today I spent an afternoon in Downtown Campbell. After a quick trip to the cigar store (zero cost weekend minus $30), and a trip to the LEGO store (minus $15), we went to Orchard Valley Coffee (minus $5) and to Recycle Book Store (minus an additional $30). The total cost of the downtown excursion was about $80.

I do not feel too badly about this lapse of frugality. My low-cost weekend did take a nosedive in the interest of cigars, LEGO, coffee, and books. But I did have a lovely downtown afternoon and lots of good conversation with a friend, and such things have no price tag.

As a reminder and a reality check, do not get so carried away with frugality, investing, saving, or retirement planning that you forget to take some time for yourself or with the friends and family that you care about. All the saving in the world is for naught if you spend your lifetime alone in a dark room saving money on an electricity bill.

To counterbalance my $80 Saturday, I am comforted by the fact that I am again contributing regularly to my company 401(k) plan, and I have been steadily paying down the last of my credit card debt for the past couple of months. Any progress is good progress, despite the occasional spending/financial backslide.

Where to Keep an Emergency Fund

Where to Keep an Emergency Fund

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