Zero-Cost Weekend

Zero-Cost Weekend


Fortunately this weekend is shaping up to be a zero-cost weekend. For starters, both my wife and I have been sick with sore throats and stuffy heads for a couple of days now (the unfortunate part). So today I am sitting at home drinking green tea with Zicam, trying to nip this illness in the bud. I have a ton of dissertation work to do this weekend, too, so tomorrow I will probably forgo church for the sake of making some real progress in my writing in response to the recent research I have been pursuing. I have to clean the fish tank (very badly) and the mice's cage, and do some laundry, but all of that will be my morning projects tomorrow. We did our grocery shopping a couple of days ago, so I don't really need to spend any money on food; so I think I can get away with spending no money whatsoever this weekend!

I have been wanting to get some good Ham Radio time in, too, so if I am feeling inspired later I may run up to my office at the community college, grab my equipment, and set it up here at home. I like to keep my radio equipment in my office so I can make a few contacts when my office hours are slow, but it will be nice to have it at home so I can geek out with my radio rather than go out and spend money unnecessarily. Ham Radio is a wonderfully cheap hobby once the initial cost of acquiring the equipment is laid out. And perfectly satisfactory radio equipment can be obtained second-hand without too much cash from local Ham Radio operators (most Ham Radio operators are packrats by nature, saving anything that could possibly be useful later).

But as for now I'm going to kick back with my tea, watch a movie or two, and try to get healthy. Now that we have this new laptop that my father-in-law gave us for Christmas, I can blog from the couch or from bed, so I might try to get some good blog reading/writing in today also. A quick question for my readers out there: what do you do for cheap entertainment or for a zero-cost weekend? Post any tips you have in the comments section.

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