Moving Day Is Over

Moving Day Is Over


After weeks of painful preparation, moving day has finally come and gone, and we are settling into our new apartment. A brief apology for the lack of recent blog posts is in order, since I have been so busy over the past few weeks with moving and packing (and getting over a terrible sinus infection) that I have not had much time for daily writing.

As I write this I am looking out the window at a beautiful coastal morning, thankful for the gift of summer and its welcome reprieve from the stresses of the academic year. I still have a ton of dissertation work to do, but I am enjoying working at my new/old job and taking a much needed break from teaching. Even Jesus had to retreat to the wilderness to escape the crowds for prayer from time to time. My wife and I are taking a camping trip up to Mt. Lassen in a couple of weeks, and I plan to follow in his footsteps, using the wilderness as an opportunity for spiritual renewal.

As for things on the investing front, I have been so preoccupied with the move and with saving some money for the summer that I have contributed very little to my Roth IRA in the past couple of months. I did just make a $100 contribution the other day, though, which brings the Roth IRA up to approximately $1,800 in value. If I have a surplus of money at the end of the summer, I plan to pay off some credit card debt and to try to get the IRA maxed out for the 2007 tax year. We should be getting our deposit and move-out bonus (a month and a half worth of rent. Woot!) from the old apartment soon, which should keep us in the black for the rest of the summer.

Radio Shack 401(k) Enrollment: Denied!

Radio Shack 401(k) Enrollment: Denied!

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