Apartment Hunt Is Over! Back to Getting Rich!

Apartment Hunt Is Over! Back to Getting Rich!


After a month of intense apartment hunting, I am happy to announce that we have signed the lease on a new apartment. The good news is that the the new apartment will be significantly cheaper than our current place because the new apartment includes all utilities in the rent, unlike the place we're in now.

The new apartment is the first floor of an old Victorian home downtown that has been converted to an apartment. The rent for the new place will be $1,470/month including all utilities, and also including cable television and DSL service. I know that sounds like a lot for you non-California people, but the price is well below the going rate for a two bedroom apartment on California's Central Coast. I haven't even mentioned the best parts yet: the security deposit on the new apartment was just $500, which is nearly impossible to find in this area, and the apartment is cat friendly. So we really lucked out with this new place, and we will be moving in sometime between June 25 and July 5.

Due to the low deposit and not having to pay utilities, I will probably have more money for the summer than I had realized. Therefore hopefully many of my worries about being low on cash this summer will turn out to be unfounded, so I can get back to pumping up my Roth IRA this summer with money from my new/old job at Radio Shack. Our current complex is paying us a move-out bonus of $2,000 once we move out as a courtesy for being dislocated due to the complex going condo. With that bonus and with the new job, I should be in the green again for the rest of the summer and able to keep my saving and investing moving forward. I hated to stall my get-rich progress after building up so much investment momentum, but it will not be much of a stall now that I have a decent emergency cash fund built up.

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