PEY and SPY Dividends

PEY and SPY Dividends


I just received my dividend payments for my holdings of PEY and SPY. I received $1.11 for the PEY and $1.27 for the SPY. Each of these dividends is being reinvested into the same holding. I received an additional .0692 shares of PEY and an additional .0085 shares of SPY. So here is a quick update on the status of my Roth IRA as of market close today 4/30/07:

  • SPDRs S&P 500 Index ETF (SPY): 2.451 shares @ $148.29/share = $363.46

  • iShares Russell 2000 Index ETF (IWM): 4.4241 shares @ $80.74/share = $357.20

  • iShares Euro-Asia Index ETF (EFA): 4.6829 shares @ $79.16/share = $370.70

  • Powershares High Yield Dividend ETF (PEY): 22.2434 shares @ $15.81/share = $351.67

  • Money Market Fund: $30.69

Roth IRA Total: $1473.72

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