Roth IRA Report for 5-10-07

Roth IRA Report for 5-10-07


This past Tuesday I made my monthly contribution to my Roth IRA. Unfortunately as the summer of non-employment draws nigh, I am forced to put more of my money into my emergency/summer fund to make sure that we can afford to pay the rent all summer while I am low on teaching work. So the end result is that I was only able to make a $200 contribution to my IRA this month. It is a little anti-climactic after several good months of stashing away $400/month, but finances, like life, certainly have their ups and downs. So here is a summary of my current Roth IRA investments:

  • SPDRs S&P 500 Index ETF (SPY): 2.478 shares @ $150.48/share = $372.89

  • iShares Russell 2000 Index ETF (IWM): 5.403 shares @ $81.93/share = $442.67

  • iShares Euro-Asia Index ETF (EFA): 5.5603 shares @ $79.66/share = $442.93

  • Powershares High Yield Dividend ETF (PEY): 27.6168 shares @ $16.06/share = $443.53

  • Money Market Fund: $0.69

Roth IRA Total: $1702.71

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