The Investment Phoenix

The Investment Phoenix


You may have noticed that it has been quite some time since I have updated SeeMeGetRich. Unfortunately my investing and saving efforts were derailed about eighteen months ago by the combination of a move and a career change.

Despite this not-too-brief financial derailment, I am officially back to work on my previous efforts with a fresh start. My original IRA, described in previous blog posts, is gone, having been cashed out to finance a move. My new career in the publishing industry has resulted in a new 401(k) account, the updates on which are forthcoming in future blog posts. And today I began a new Roth IRA into which will soon be flowing a stream of steady investments.

So stay tuned and hold on to your seats. You are about to witness an investment phoenix rising from the ashes of the previous attempt at getting rich through long term investing.

Net Worth — Taking Stock

Net Worth — Taking Stock

New Job, New Retirement Plan

New Job, New Retirement Plan