Roth IRA Update for 4-3-07

Roth IRA Update for 4-3-07


The IRA progress is really starting to be noticeable now. Recall that I did not begin investing until the end of January of this year. In the past two and a half months I have managed to squirrel away over $1,400.00 into my IRA, my summer savings is up to about $1,000, and I have significantly lowered my monthly expenses. I'd say I'm off to an excellent start, and I'm looking forward to watching my balances grow further.

Here are my holdings in my IRA as of market-close today:

  • SPY (S&P 500 Index ETF): 2.3042 shares @ $143.69/share = $331.09

  • IWM (Russell 2000 Index ETF): 4.177 shares @ $80.53/share = $336.37

  • EFA (Euro-Asia Index ETF): 4.4271 shares @ $77.14/share = $341.51

  • PEY (High Yield Dividend ETF): 7.0131 shares @ $15.93/share = $111.72

  • Money Market Fund: $300.05

Roth IRA Total: $1420.74

As of next Tuesday the $300 in my money market fund will be invested to bring all four of my ETF holdings to the same dollar amount. As you can see, I have decided to go ahead and add the PEY dividend ETF to the portfolio. I am hoping that this is not a mistake, but I thought it would be best not to rely solely on appreciation for my returns and to add some dividend income to the mix.

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